Jun 22, 2020

you’re not overweight nor obese,
it might be lipedema!

lipedema is a condition by which fat gets unevenly distributed in an irregular manner under the skin, typically in the abdomen, hips, upper buttocks, thighs, knees, and calves.

here’s how to spot lipedema fat

in most cases, lipedema usually goes misdiagnosed as morbid obesity or lymphedema. meanwhile, medical research suggests a strong causal relationship between the development of lipedema and hereditary or hormonal factors such as puberty, pregnancy, and stress.

signs and symptoms of lipedema
buttocks, hips, and thighs

accumulation of fat on the upper part of the buttock- upper shelf.

formation of a disproportionate pear-shaped figure.

the midsection is noticeably bigger than the upper body.

difficulty sitting down.

hips, thighs, and calves

development of fat pads around the knees and folds.

development of fat around thighs, causing chafing of the inner thighs and skin infection.

enlargement of the entire lower body.

discomfort while walking

arms - most common

hanging skin at the upper arm - what is known as a batwing.

swelling of the lower arm with no skin hanging.


impact visible on the lower body.

pressure on joints.


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