How To Treat Dry Skin

Aug 03, 2020

whether it’s the middle of winter or the peak of summer, dry skin can affect anyone and everyone. it happens for a variety of reasons, but the symptoms are typically the same - tight, itchy or flaky skin can all be a sign that your skincare routine needs a shake-up.
why is my skin dry?
there are several reasons why your skin might be feeling dry. to start with, take a look at your skincare routine – is it meeting your skin’s needs? does your skin feel tight and dry immediately after cleansing, and does the feeling persist even after you’ve applied moisturiser?
if so, your products might not be providing enough nourishment for your skin type and you may want to consider switching to formulas with moisture-boosting ingredients, such as hyaluronic acid, shea butter and naturally derived oils. however, make sure any products you do switch to are gentle, unscented and free from irritants, as this could also cause skin to act up.
another factor behind dry skin is exfoliation – or the lack of it. our skin is constantly undergoing a process of renewal, but over time, dead skin cells can build up on the surface and make it more difficult for your serums and moisturisers to work effectively.
symptoms of dry skin vs. dehydrated skin
first, you need to determine whether you have dry skin, or just dehydrated skin. dry skin includes the following issues:
caused by a lack of oil in the skin
pores are usually small (that’s a plus, right?!)
skin constantly feel “tight”
rough, flaky spots that don’t go away
you can still have acne with dry skin
skin looks dull and deflated
skin doesn’t absorb products easily
prone to irritation
dehydrated skin is caused by lack of water in the skin and is usually found to absorb skin care products really quickly, whereas dry skin doesn’t absorb products well at all.
dry skin causes
many conditions can cause dry skin, but here is a list of the most frequent causes of dry skin:
if you love spending time under a hot shower while practicing for the next idols auditions, we have some bad news for you. an extremely hot shower will dry out the natural oils in your skin. without sufficient amounts of these natural oils our skin can lose some of its protective cover and become more easily damaged.
many mainstream soaps are full of chemicals that dry out the skin.
scrubbing your skin with a coarse sponge strips the skin of its natural oils and increases dryness.
when the humidity levels in the air decrease, the air becomes drier and negatively affects the skin. humidity levels are usually lower during the fall and winter months causing the skin to feel more dry.
turning up the thermostat in the winter dries out the air. as moisture is stripped out of the air, the skin also becomes drier.
as one ages the body’s skin pores produce less oil. the skin also becomes more thin and parched.
certain clothing material, detergents, and perfumes irritate the skin.
lastly, dry skin can be a sign of chronic diseases like diabetes.
dry skin can affect anyone at any age, during any time of the year. if you’ve identified any of the above causes affecting you, you’re one step closer to figuring out how to improve your skin quality.
treatments for dry skin
the following dry skin remedies can alleviate the condition. you may need to make just a few changes in your life to make a huge difference. as always, you should also consult with a medical professional.
change your washing rituals
avoid excess washing since it depletes the skin’s natural oils:
avoid harsh soaps. instead use a glycerine/oil-based soap.
avoid hot baths or showers and prolonged exposure to saunas.
try to bath every few days to help prevent washing away the skin’s natural oils especially during the fall and winter months when the humidity level in the air is low.
moisturize your skin
this will put some moisture back into your skin:
gently dry your skin with a soft towel after your shower. if you rub too hard, you’ll strip your skin’s natural moisture.
apply oil to your skin within three minutes after the shower. the best oils to use include refrigerated flax, coconut, sunflower, or olive oils. try to moisturize the skin three to four times a day especially during the winter and fall months.
for extremely dry skin patches apply petroleum jelly or calmoseptine ointment.
increase hydration
these tips will help you hydrate your body, from the inside out:
sip hot water mixed with lemon, a pinch of salt, a pinch of baking soda, and half a teaspoon of turmeric every 30 minutes throughout the day. try to drink three to four bottles of this mixture per day.
drink fresh leafy green vegetable juice daily.
avoid dehydrating drinks such as carbonated and caffeinated beverages. examples of this include coffee, black tea, iced tea, chai tea, and soda drinks. also, avoid sweet drinks such as energy drinks, vitamin water, v8, gatorade, and fruit juices. alcohol is also off limits.
maintain a balanced diet
a balanced diet provides vital nutrients to the skin.
65% of your diet should consist of vegetables, especially greens.
20% of your diet consists of small beans such as lentils, moong, split peas, and seeds such as refrigerated flax seeds (2 tablespoons per day) and pre-soaked chia seeds. have wild fish, free-range poultry, or eggs a maximum of 2 to 3 times per week.
15% of your diet can consist of whole grains, including quinoa, barley, brown rice, millet, and barley. try to avoid excess wheat and white flour.
avoid these foods altogether if possible:
all forms of processed sugar. sugar can be found in processed and pre-packaged ready-made foods, dry cereal, granola or protein bars, chips, crackers, sweet drinks, candy, baked goods, and bagels.
refined flour.
artificial sweeteners.
caffeine, which can be found in coffee, black tea, iced tea, chai tea, hot chocolate, soda, and energy drinks.
dairy products, except butter, especially in the evenings.
meat and fish in the evenings.
wheat, corn, and soy in the evenings.
other dry skin remedies
use a humidifier in your bedroom to replace moisture in the air.
exercise for one hour every day during daytime.
these remedies should take care of most dry skin conditions. if not, it is advisable to see a doctor.

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