Doctor Anna Sepiolo - Aesthetic Gynaecology

Feb 24, 2020

dr anna sepiolo - aesthetic gynaecology

injecting your own fat for a younger, more contented look…

why women are getting labia-puffing fat injections?

in the world of today, the appearance of the genitalia is no longer a taboo. it is often an issue of concern for many women because of the current craze for perfection and the increased media discussion of novel aesthetic gynaecological procedures to enhance appearance. in this day and age, many women seem to crave for the youthful appearance of concealed labia minora and full, smooth, and voluptuous labia majora.

just like every other part of your body, your labia are susceptible to the signs of ageing. due to hormonal changes affected by genetics, childbirth, and ageing, the vagina can gradually yield to laxity, deflation, dehydration, and wrinkling. with time, the labia majora (the outer lips that sur-round the vaginal opening) often wrinkle and lose elasticity and tone, causing them to sag and appear deflated. as the labia majora continue to thin out over time, the labia minora (the inner lips) become more visible, especially if they are darker or hang down past the edges of the labia ma-jora. this leaves you with unsightly, flat and sagging labia that give this intimate part of your body an ageing look. such changes can be a source of embarrassment and discomfort and may even negatively impact your intimate life.

if you are troubled by these changes, you do not have to endure living with them. you can restore the youthful and plump appearance of your intimate area with the cutting-edge labia majora aug-mentation via fat transfer procedure, commonly known as “labia-puffing fat injection.”

labia-puffing fat injection uses your own body fat to add volume back to the labia majora that deflated with time. it instantly refills the labia to an appearance similar to what it may have looked like before childbirth or menopause.

how labia-puffing fat injection is done?

done as a daycare procedure, labia puffing involves harvesting some fat from another area of your body, such as your inner thighs, buttocks, flanks, or abdominal area, via liposuction. the next step includes purifying the collected fat by putting it in a centrifuge to remove oil and blood. the fat is then re-injected gently and meticulously into the labia via the cannula technique to infuse the area with youthful volume.

although some discomfort may be present, labia puffing fat injection is not a painful procedure. it can be done under local anaesthesia or general anaesthesia depending on personal preference and whether it is done separately or in conjunction with another vaginal rejuvenation procedure.

you may have mild swelling, redness, and some bruising at the injection site and the sites from which the fat was extracted, but these signs typically subside within a few days.

the recovery process can be different for everyone. however, most women are up and about mov-ing freely the next day. showering may be resumed on the second day following the procedure. intimate relations and enjoyable physical exercise may be resumed within one week.

what are the benefits of labia-puffing fat injection?

a well-described procedure that is primarily performed for volumisation and contouring in aesthet-ic gynaecology, labia-puffing fat injection has gained tremendous popularity in recent years due to the promising results it yields. by adding volume to the labia majora, they are often lifted and appear fuller. the most notable benefits include:

  1. it is a minimally-invasive procedure; it does not require any cutting, suturing, or visible scars.
  1. results tend to be long-lasting and natural-looking.
  1. it is an all-natural procedure; the injected fat comes from your own body.
  1. there is no risk of rejection, and the injected fat will be naturally reabsorbed over time.
  1. minimal downtime and fast recovery.
  1. improved self-confidence and satisfaction with personal appearance.

is it right for you?

labia-puffing fat injection procedure can be an appropriate solution for women who are eager to improve the laxity and deflation of their outer genital area, as well as their quality of life. during the consultation, your trusted aesthetic gynaecologist will discuss your expectations and assess if you are a good candidate for the procedure, based on the anatomy and aesthetics of your labia. with cosmetically inclined women fervently taking a `head-to-toe` approach to anti-ageing and aesthetic solutions these days, labia-puffing fat injection poses as a remarkable option that is just right for any woman on the go and in need of a quick and rejuvenating aesthetic procedure, without the need for the surgeon`s scalpel.

dr. anna sepiolo, md, phd

obstetrician and gynaecologist

aesthetic gynecologist

anti – aging and regenerative medicine

the o–shot®

why women love the orgasmic injection?

have you been self-aware that your intimate life is not as it used to be, and wishing it was more pleasurable? are you alarmed and often embarrassed because of those urine drops that forcibly slip whenever you cough, sneeze or even laugh? is your self-confidence waning because of the unavoidable signs of menopause or ageing?

if this is the case, then you are not alone! all over the world, many women are too reluctant to discuss these sensitive complaints with their healthcare providers. decreased intimate pleasure can be due to vaginal canal looseness with decreased sensation, vaginal dryness, and pain as-sociating intimate acts, among others. these issues can markedly impact a woman’s satisfaction and self-esteem.

the human body has an incredible capacity for healing itself. platelet-rich plasma presents an af-fluent source of concentrated platelets, rich in bioactive proteins, which release growth factors to stimulate cellular regeneration and enhance tissue repair. initially, platelet-rich plasma gained a lot of popularity when experts started using it in the treatment of sports injuries to promote healing, but gradually it has evolved to address aesthetic concerns, problems related to intimacy and uri-nary incontinence. nowadays, platelet-rich plasma is considered one of the most advanced and successful natural treatments for cellular repair and tissue rejuvenation throughout the body.

the o-shot® is a cutting-edge rejuvenation and enhancement procedure for women. this non-sur-gical and all-natural procedure pledges to revitalise the vagina and clitoris. based on using the person`s own platelet-rich plasma, the o-shot® can vividly increase arousal and sensitivity, thus enhancing women`s intimate life. many women report stronger and more frequent orgasms, in-creased vaginal lubrication, and better arousal after the procedure.

the concept behind the o-shot® (orgasmic shot)

the o-shot® is not a medicine. it is an outpatient procedure that utilises your own body`s rich resources to generate healthier and more functional tissues in the vagina and clitoris.

the procedure begins with a simple blood draw. your blood is then spun in a centrifuge to sep-arate the platelet-rich plasma from the red blood cells. the platelet-rich plasma is then injected (through a tiny needle) into the clitoris region and the area of the upper vagina.

the o-shot injection is virtually painless. prior to injection, the target areas are numbed with a gen-tle, cream-based local anaesthetic. although each woman`s experience is different, most women experience only minimal discomfort. the procedure is quick and usually takes about 30 minutes. there is no recovery time needed and you can resume your routine activities immediately after the procedure.

the injected platelets release cell-regenerating growth factors that stimulate new collagen produc-tion and help improve the vascularisation of the target areas. these rejuvenating effects regenerate the tissues of the vagina and clitoris, increase sensitivity of the clitoris, and also alleviate embar-rassing stress urinary incontinence.

the o-shot® action is usually swift, with some women reporting some positive effects within a few weeks as the growth factors begin to rejuvenate the tissues and enhance the intimate response. nevertheless, the o-shot® is not a `magic stick` and results may vary. for the majority of women, spectacular results are usually enjoyed within three months after the procedure. despite being different for everyone, results can generally last between 14 and 18 months. on average, the pro-cedure may be repeated every 18 months.

who benefits from the o-shot® (orgasmic shot)?

ideal candidates are women who seek:

  1. better and longer orgasms
  1. enhanced intimate sensation
  1. increased natural vaginal lubrication
  1. decreased symptoms of urinary incontinence
  1. decreased pain associating intimate acts

if you are one of the many women who suffer from decreased intimate desire and loss of vaginal sensitivity, the o-shot® may be just the solution you are searching for. for many women, the o-shot has been life-changing. to know if it is the ideal fit for you, the best way is to schedule a consultation with your trusted aesthetic gynaecologist to ask questions and discover how the o-shot® can bring you back to your youthful days.

dr. anna sepiolo, md, phd

obstetrician and gynaecologist

aesthetic gynecologist

anti – aging and regenerative medicine

using dermal fillers for vaginal rejuvenation? a new beauty `craze` for a better intimate life

ageing is quite natural! however, there are age-related changes that happen in our outward ap-pearance that we would like to slow down or even reverse if possible. affecting every nook and cranny of the body, you may feel the brunt of ageing on your face first but other areas of your body are also affected – including your vagina which ages in much the same way as your skin.

as oestrogen levels gradually drop with age, the vagina tends to lose its strength, thickness and elasticity. its walls loosen and sag, taking on a droopy, dry, and wrinkled appearance. moreover, the labia majora (the outermost lips surrounding the vaginal opening) become thin and lose their plump, youthful pinkish form. in addition to the loss of attractiveness, the lack of lubrication caus-es the ageing vagina to be a source of great discomfort for women, with frequent itching and pain during intimacy.

but it is not just ageing that claims its toll. the stress of childbirth plays a role as well because the vaginal walls are exposed to some significant pressure. these changes can markedly impact women`s intimate life, with intimacy becoming less enjoyable or even painful and undesirable.

with the number of women seeking genital enhancement treatments steadily increasing, the aes-thetic gynaecological field of vaginal rejuvenation is rapidly gaining popularity across the globe because it offers advanced and effective solutions to complaints that most women would have been too reluctant to discuss openly a few years ago.

one popular and effective non-surgical method of vaginal rejuvenation is the use of vaginal fillers containing hyaluronic acid gel to reverse the changes in a woman’s genitalia that are induced by childbirth, hormonal changes and ageing. commonly and successfully used to rejuvenate facial skin for many years, hyaluronic acid-based vaginal fillers offer a revolutionary solution for the re-vitalisation of feminine intimate areas, making it feel younger and vibrant.

why do you need the treatment?

hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring biopolymer with childbirth ability to bind water and make the human tissues moist and smooth. it increases tissue hydration, elasticity and plumpness. as we get older, the production of hyaluronic acid decreases and the cells lose the ability to hold water. accordingly, the tissues lose their elasticity, smooth and plump appearance.

hyaluronic acid-based vaginal fillers volumise the labia majora and grant it a highly toned and symmetrical appearance. they help to restore vaginal tone and elasticity, improve sensitivity, and reduce vaginal dryness.

moreover, the extra volume in the vagina helps support the urethra, thus reducing those annoy-ing, and quite embarrassing symptoms of stress urinary incontinence (urinary leakage when you sneeze, cough or laugh).

how is this done?

the hyaluronic acid-based vaginal fillers are typically injected through an ultra-fine needle into the internal front wall of the vagina and the labia majora. prior to the procedure, a local anaesthetic is applied to the target areas to ensure that you are kept comfortable and relaxed throughout the procedure.

the procedure usually takes less than 30 minutes. there is no recovery time needed, and you will be able to return to your day-to-day activities right away.

mild swelling or discomfort may be present in the treatment area for the first few days which can be easily controlled by a prescribed oral pain killer. to allow the injected substance time to settle, it is recommended to avoid intimacy for one week.

though it can vary from one woman to the other, results can last anywhere between 12 – 18 months. being made of natural substances, hyaluronic acid-based vaginal fillers are gradually absorbed by the body over time. thus, additional injections may be required to maintain optimal results, depending on your individual needs.

vaginal rejuvenation with hyaluronic acid-based vaginal fillers is fast becoming a popular treatment that can restore the supple plumpness of youth regardless of your age. with a more youthful vagina, you are going to feel happier and more confident about your body.

non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation is just that. you do not need to resort to the surgeon`s scalpel to get a better-looking, vibrant and younger vagina.

dr. anna sepiolo, md, phd

obstetrician and gynaecologist

aesthetic gynecologist

anti – aging and regenerative medicine

vaginal narrower threads

how can a vaginal thread lift make you feel younger?

fine lines, wrinkles, crow’s feet, stray greys, loss of volume—if you have not noticed these visible signs of ageing just yet, you know they are imminent. these facial changes are absolutely natural with ageing and you should not be anxious about it.

but there is another important part of your body that is ageing along with the skin and hair that you may not realise: your vagina! just like any other body part, the appearance of your vagina, the way it feels, and how it functions during intimate acts are all affected by the ageing process.

nevertheless, these age-related changes do not have to make you feel out of sorts or leave you with an unsatisfactory intimate life. how well you take care of your vagina matters the most! nowadays, women across the globe are becoming self-attentive and more aware of the health-en-hancing procedures made available by relentless scientific advances, with more and more women seeking perfection in their intimate area.

many women live with dissatisfaction, pain, or deteriorated intimate pleasure due to the loosening of their vagina or enlarged and misshapen labia. they bear the brunt of frustration and negative body image because they do not know where to turn to or may feel too embarrassed to talk about this sensitive burden with friends or even their health care provider. a marked relaxation of the vag-inal muscles that leads to an excessively wide vaginal entrance is a common occurrence among women who have given birth vaginally, had to undergo perineal incisions and suturing, or due to ageing.

vaginal narrower threads procedure is the key for a giant step back in time; a minimally invasive, fast-recovery technique that can shave years off your age without the need for major surgery or any visible scars. the procedure is typically used to repair the cosmetic and functional defects of the perinaeum involving excessively dilated vaginal entrance. it pledges a long-term effect and does not hinder any future pregnancy or childbirth.

vaginal narrower threads represent a unique and highly advanced type of sutures that revolutio-nise the surgical approaches to the correction of a global female problem. unlike conventional sutures that are smooth, those absorbable narrower threads possess tiny barbs (or cogs) with a special design in terms of their length, density and angling meant to exert both a lifting and a revitalising effect. after insertion into the tissues, the barbs induce the development of fibrosis necessary to provide new support scaffolding for the soft tissues that lift and hold them in place.

how the vaginal narrower threads procedure is performed?

performed as a day-care procedure, the vaginal narrower threads procedure is often done under local anaesthesia (or general anaesthesia in case of personal preference). no scalpels are applied at all during the procedure and the entire lifting process takes no more than 60 minutes. one hour after the procedure, you are discharged home and can immediately return to social life. recovery is fast, and the threads typically dissolve within a few months, thus nothing foreign will remain in your birth canal.

it is recommended to avoid intimacy for 2-4 weeks after the procedure to allow for complete heal-ing. heavy lifting and strenuous sports activities should be also avoided for a month.

the results can be instantaneous for some women, but it needs several weeks to attain the full aesthetic and functional effects for the majority.

aesthetic gynaecology is one of the fastest-growing surgical fields worldwide, with women in-creasingly realising that they do not have to live with any bodily change that is making them unsat-isfied or unhappy. tightening the vagina with the vaginal narrower threads can narrow the vaginal entrance, restore elasticity, strength, and functionality, thus allowing an aesthetic enhancement of the female genital organ, bringing back vivid sensations, and restoring confidence in intimate life.

dr. anna sepiolo, md, phd

obstetrician and gynaecologist

aesthetic gynecologist

anti- aging and regenerative medicine


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